Children & youth -

Children & youth -

Children & Youth Program (5-21 yrs)

I have lived experience and a passion working with young people. I want them to feel safe in expressing all emotions and gain an understanding as to why:

  • They are feeling anxious.

  • Having feelings of depression and disconnection.

  • Experiencing recurring Behaviour that is impacting them daily through anger, procrastination, withdrawal, addictions, or self-sabotage.

For our young people, suppressing emotions is to avoid feeling discomfort. It is a way of protecting themselves from uncomfortable feels. Feelings experienced from traumatic events (big or small) or an overall feeling of not feeling safe and protected due to circumstances. What I want for our young people is to understand that emotions are feelings that serve a purpose, provide direction and communication from the body, deep within. Negative emotions are just as important and useful, even if they are uncomfortable at times.

Read More on how to Book Below

Child and Youth Program

(5-21 yrs)

It is important when working with young people to provide support to their caregivers. It can be challenging at times, and feelings of overwhelm can create disharmony within the home environment. Providing guidance to caregivers is just as important. It can encourage the opportunity for them to receive support, have compassion for themselves and provide an understanding that will bring connection and peace.


Over 3 sessions I work to clear trapped emotions.
This is a holistic and gentle modality to release emotions energetically. There are no boundaries with energy healing. I walk alongside young people to safely clear and release their emotions within the body, I guide them to release their emotions with muscle testing, or I can energetically release emotions on their behalf.

Information about Trapped Emotion Clearing is on my website
At the end of each session all results are emailed with a summary giving insight and understanding.

Following on from these session, I connect with young people to see how they are feeling and allow them to safely communicate. I provide techniques and continued support in helping them to feel all emotions and anchor safety in the body.


– sessions are 60 minutes (online/zoom)
$75 – proxy session ( healer releasing young persons emotions)

Root -Cause Therapy is a regression and progression therapy, aiming to get to the root cause of people’s problems and symptoms.

It is a powerful style of therapy which assists people in getting to the root-cause of their current limiting beliefs. These beliefs could be the cause of negative self-talk, anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD from past trauma, relationship problems or self- sabotage towards health and wellbeing.

It is a gentle and safe therapy that works on all levels of our mind, the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind. It’s our unconscious mind where surpressed beliefs, trauma and blocked emotions are stored and are affecting our current conscious thoughts and behaviours.

With support and guidance, this healing unravels why you think or feel the way you do, discover, and shift any unwanted patterns consciously. Assumptions and ‘theories’ are no longer necessary as we create a way for the mind and body to consciously access and reassess from a clearer perspective, whether this is in the past or negative projections into the future.

Each session is structured in such a way that can help prioritise and work through life-long symptoms and past hurts in a gentle yet thorough way.


– Sessions are 90-120 minutes (online/zoom)
$620 - package of 4 sessions

Root-Cause Therapy

Trapped Emotion Clearing is a form of energy healing. With our body being made of energy, it is a gentle healing modality that can help to provide relief from physical and emotional issues. It is an incredibly powerful tool for all ages, especially for helping children to feel safe and enable them to process their emotions and reconnect. It uses our subconscious mind to find, and release trapped emotions.

Trapped emotions are when we may have experienced a traumatic event (big or small) and we choose to block it out by not processing the feelings experienced.
So, instead of moving beyond an angry moment, a feeling of grief or depression, you retain the negative emotion within the body. This can potentially cause physical or emotional stress, and imbalance within the body.


As The practitioner, I ask the body to access the subconscious mind and work through the origins and issues of the client until they can find the emotions that are being stored in the body.

When working to release trapped emotions, we muscle test the body by asking questions that tell us if trapped emotions are present in the body. It is gaining access to our internal system to find out where the imbalances are. One way to do this is through ‘sway testing’. We ask the subconscious a question, and depending on which way the body moves (forward or backward) it gives us our answers, and allows us to navigate the session through these answers.

Practitioners can also muscle test on behalf of our clients via proxy. Energy doesn’t have boundaries like our physical body does. Having the intention prior to a session and feeling the energy of our client allows muscle testing and the ability to release trapped emotions for our client.

With this modality, you can gain insight and access emotions that have been stored in the body, allowing for a more conscious connection and the ability to create powerful shifts in your life.
With the power of intention, the shift you desire helps heal past trauma and enables you to be more present with your emotions.

When a trapped emotion is released, a burden is lifted, and results can bring a sense of calmness, balance, and healing.


– 3 session Package
(can be online/in person or I can clear emotions energetically remotely)

Trapped Emotion Clearing


Embodied Processing is the bottom-up approach to healing trauma and a dysregulated nervous system. Our nervous system either regulates stress or gets stuck in stress. When it gets stuck in stress our nervous system goes into a fight, flight, freeze or fawn response.

This powerful technique is used to safely meet and digest the underlying wounds, the orphaned parts where we suppress and kept the traumatic events (big or small) at arm’s length.

The orphaned part is protecting ourselves from particular traumatic events happening again and avoiding those emotions that were triggered during these events.
Yes, it keeps us safe, but what happens, is our nervous system goes into survival stress, This survival stress doesn’t allow us to meet the trauma and close the loop. Therefore, it becomes the driving force of our current symptoms – Addiction, Co-dependency, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Disassociation, self-sabotage, physical pain etc…

Learning to be with our experiences, meeting our experiences from our past, feeling and housing those experiences within our body allows us to feel safe and bring our nervous system to a regulated state.

When the body is included in the healing process, long term transformation happens.


– Sessions are 90-120 minutes (online/zoom)
$620 - package of 4 sessions

Embodied Processing